Laser Plastic Welding Applications




Plastic components in the electronics industry

There are many different areas of medical engineering that involve the use of plastics. Laser plastic welding has been an established part of certain applications for years.

The medical devices market is a prime example of an area where products containing laser-welded components have been introduced. Microfluidics and chips for analytics are particularly worthy of mention in this regard. In many applications, these kinds of components also take the form of disposables, which can be found in various areas of medical engineering. Other products or devices have assemblies welded onto them. These usually have to be joined in such a way that they are sealed off tightly from the environment.

Frequent application areas for medical engineering products include doctor’s offices and hospitals. Consequently, the area of hospital care involves a large number of products that are partially made of plastic and are also laser welded.

Turnkey Systems

The system provides outstanding functionality integrated in a small footprint. The compact turnkey system offers all advantages of laser welding of plastics in an affordable and easily programmable system.

All-modular and all-purpose system. Contains all components necessary for processing. Ready for connection of all options.

NOVOLAS WS-AT is now available also with a rotary indexing table (RTT).

Continental (Switzerland). The WS II has been integrated into the production chain. Three different components can be welded.

Integration Systems

Flexible, modular laser system for integration Flexible

For integration into production lines and manufacturing cells. Consequent modular design. Configureble for various requirements.

For integration into production lines and manufacturing cells. Consequent modular design, cost-efficient and configurable.

Laser Optics AT-BT

Various focal distances and focus diameters. Key Performance monitoring, Fiber connection monitoring, and Optional pyrometer

Performance monitoring, fiber connection monitoring, optional pyrometer, no moving axles required, F-Theta lenses for different working fields and laser wavelengths

For rotationally symmetrical components (≤ ø 38 mm), no rotational movement of the components required, performance monitoring, fiber connection monitoring, optional pyrometer

Short process time, no relative movement, homogeneous energy distribution. Performance monitoring, fiber connection monitoring, optional pyrometer

Line lengths of 6 – 43 mm are available, homogeneous power density distribution

Edge lengths of 6 – 43 mm are available, homogeneous power density distribution, performance monitoring, fiber connection monitoring, optional pyrometer

Drawer system easy to replace, Laser beam forming, adapted, optimized power density distribution. Performance monitoring, fiber connection monitoring, optional pyrometer

Optional components for NOVOLAS WS, BASIC AT and BASIC AT Compact

Leister Scanner Optic BT for Laser Plastic Welding: No moving axles required, F-Theta lenses for different working fields and laser wavelengths

For rotationally symmetrical components (≤ ø 38 mm), no rotational movement of the components required

Short process time, no relative movement, homogeneous energy distribution

Line lengths of 6 – 43 mm are available, homogeneous power density distribution

Edge lengths of 6 – 43 mm are available, homogeneous power density distribution

Drawer system easy to replace, Laser beam forming, adapted, optimized power density distribution

Special Laser Optics

Optional component for NOVOLAS: WS-AT, BASIC AT and BASIC AT Compact

Optional components for NOVOLAS WS, BASIC AT and BASIC AT Compact

Optional component for NOVOLAS WS, BASIC AT and BASIC AT Compact

Optional component for NOVOLAS: WS-AT BASIC AT

Customer specific component for NOVOLAS WS, BASIC AT and BASIC AT Compact


In addition to the process parameters of laser power, s

Process monitoring during the laser welding of plastics

   Laser Plastic Welding  |  Application








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